
Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Give new life to an old S4

The Samsung Galaxy S4 was one of the more popular smartphone models to hit the market. Although durable and reliable, they are beginning to show their age. If youre like me and resistant to change, heres something you can try to give new life tn older phone. Rooting allows you to gain administrative privileges to your phone and make all kind of changes you would be otherwise unable to. It also allows you to remove many of those pesky bloatware programs your phone comes with. I just attempted it with my old Galaxy S4, and I am pleased with the results.
NOTE: Please exercise caution when attempting this. Make sure you are looking at a guide for the right phone model and operating system.  Also, make sure to backup your data. Please make sure to double-check online before removing any stock software from your phone.Please note that this could potentially void a warranty so only attempt on old phones

Here are two guides that show how to root an S4.
  • FYI: I used Odin 3.09. Please be aware that PDA is the same as AP
Here are some apps you can only use on rooted phones.

Here are a few lists of safe-to-remove Android stock programs. Once again, please double-check before you uninstall something.

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