
Thursday, March 31, 2016

Windows of opportunity

A window of opportunity can mean many things to many people. For some, it represents a chance to instantly make a positive change or impact. For Microsoft, it represents a chance to build upon the success of one of their workhorse offerings.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Video games making us smarter?

For the longest time video games have been stigmatized as something that harms the minds of our youth. In the past some have been blamed for social issues such as crime and drugs. And while the jury may still be out on the validity of such claims, its nice to see that there is now a new generation of games created with learning in mind.

Read more here:

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Selfie service

The old expression says that a picture is worth a thousand words, but a new service from BMO Financial Group and MasterCard could turn a picture into a personalized security feature.

Nicknamed selfie pay, the service requires users to literally take a selfie to validate their ID when making online purchases.

Read more here:

Monday, March 28, 2016

Speedy delivery

When people think of apps, their first instinct would be small programs and utilities that are downloaded for use on a mobile device. However, there are other apps that are acquired through other means. Recently, browser-based apps have increased in popularity, but delivering them properly can sometimes be a thorn in an IT manager’s side. 

What happens when our computers get smarter than we are?

Friday, March 25, 2016

RAM: What’s it all about?

Most have you have probably heard of RAM. You’ve probably heard it used by a salesman when shopping for a new computer, along with other terms like 8GB and DDR3. But what does it actually mean?

Thursday, March 24, 2016

The Car of the Future

Lincoln's new futuristic luxury car has everything... including a closet! With gull wings and a built in staircase, this behemoth seems more equipped for space travel than for the road.Why ever leave your car? Matthew McConaughey not included.

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Preventative measures

When it comes to defending against ransomware, many believe that a reactionary approach can solve the problem. But, according to security experts from Malwarebytes, that method does not deliver the kind of results it used to. They believe the key to warding off ransomware threats is a preventative approach.

Read more here:

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Shopping in the digital age

There is no question that as technology evolves at an exponential rate, so too does the shopping experience. Even just 10 years ago, online shopping was seen as almost a novelty and hardly the norm. People wanted be in the store and experience the item in question. Touch it, try it, and take it for a spin. How quickly things have changed. Here are 3 more ways technology is shifting our shopping landscape. 

Read more here:

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Padding their lead

Hot on the heels of the announcement of the 4-inch iPhone SE, Apple is also padding their lead in the tablet market by shrinking it down to size.

Apple vs. FBI legal battle takes a new turn

The Apple vs. FBI legal battle has taken a new turn. This could greatly change the privacy landscape as we know it. It begs the question, Is there such thing as true privacy and autonomy in the technological age?

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Monday, March 21, 2016

SEeing things

The development of mobile technologies is all about thinking big. These big ideas can potentially have a big impact on the masses. But a new product from Apple has the company thinking small. 

Asimov's dream come true

One could only imagine what Isaac Asimov, the father of the Three Laws of Robotics would have to say about this new creation from Hanson Robotics and Hiroshi Ishiguro Laboratories. Say hello to Sophia.

Learn more about Sophia here:

Sunday, March 20, 2016

A coin that holds 360 TB?

Say goodbye to USB's as we know it! this could revolutionize how we store and share data. Read more here:

Friday, March 18, 2016

YouTube vs. TV

Personally, I haven't consistently watched TV in years. Many people I know prefer the flexibility of Netflix. What do the statistics say, Read about it here:

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Cast away

It’s been said that everything has a shelf life. From food to vehicles, we tend to use various items until they are no longer useful, or in some cases, until the wheels literally fall off. The same can be said about certain forms of technology; mobile phones in particular.

The future is now?

Nike unveils its first self-lacing sneakerIt looks like Doc Brown had it right. Nike is unveiling its first self lacing shoe. Read about it here:

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Driving force

We are inching ever closer to self-driving vehicles becoming a reality. Google has already performed several road tests with prototype models, and the results have been more or less positive. But is the world actually ready for this new phenomenon?

Monday, March 14, 2016

The digital mercenary

In my spare time, I watch a lot of cop shows; the various Law and Order and CSI series are personal favourites. In their simplest sense, these shows about the law (usually) triumphing over evil. But even the detectives and crime scene investigators find themselves in tough spots sometimes, and when that happens, they turn to outside sources to help them solve their cases.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Comparing processors

People often ask me, “How do I pick a fast computer?” or “How do I make my computer faster?” These are very loaded questions and often have no simple answers. There are many things to consider when determining a computer’s speed. One of the more important areas is the processor also known as the CPU. 

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Turning the Page

Of all the devices in a traditional office setting, the printer is perhaps the most temperamental. On some days, it works without fail, printing documents quickly and easily. But then there are the days when the printer is a major thorn in the collective side of the employees, with paper jams, ink spills, and a litany of errors. Not only do these problems slow down the workflow, they also have a negative impact on the environment.

Monday, March 7, 2016

Screening out screen time

The kids of today should be going outside to enjoy their young lives to the maximum. There was once a time when we would watch as they observed the world around them with awe, taking in scenery around them and bombarding their parents with questions about everything. But sadly, those days of happy exuberance are but a memory now.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

MD2: Technology news and how-tos, squared

Today’s tech world moves at a lightning fast pace. With change comes an ever increasing level of complexity. What’s meant to simplify our lives ends up leaving us frazzled and exasperated. 

At MD2, we believe in a two-pronged approach to help make sense of this complicated world: To assist and inform. Using this approach, we will keep you in the loop while helping with the bumps along the road. It’s like the old adage says, “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.” 

Drawing upon our extensive editorial and technical experience and insider contacts within the industry, we look to bring you the latest news, reviews and how-tos directly from the source.

What we offer

MD2 seeks to go beyond the format of a traditional tech news source. In addition to the latest news, reviews and expert interviews, we also offer computer repair and consulting, content management service, and social media / SEO assistance.

About the team

Mark David handles the editorial and commentary duties for MD2. A former editor of a tech industry magazine, he has a bachelor’s degree in journalism from Concordia University (2010). With his eye for detail and nose for news, Mark is passionate about informing the masses about the next big developments in one of the world’s busiest industries. When not looking for the next big story, Mark manages a content consultancy business called MarkWorks.

Matthew David runs the technical side of MD2.  With years of hands on-experience, he is well equipped to handle your technological needs. He is unrelenting in finding solutions to any problems you may come across and is well rounded with knowledge in software and hardware installation and repair as well as graphic design and many other areas. Is currently based in Montreal.
Life’s hectic. Get squared.